
Return to Afghanistan

The Norwegian government, the Afghan government and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) have signed a joint agreement opening up for both voluntary and forced return to Afghanistan.

The Norwegian government, the Afghan government and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) have signed a joint agreement opening up for both voluntary and forced return to Afghanistan.
According to the UNHCR, many Afghans can now return safely to Afghanistan. However, the UNHCR has also underlined that there are still many Afghans who should be granted international protection and not be returned. After having visited Afghanistan in October 2005, NOAS shares this view.

Voluntary or forced return

Rejected asylum seekers who can return safely to Afghanistan, may now apply for voluntary return. With voluntary return you will receive a financial support of NOK 5 000, and reintegration assistance from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) upon return. If you do not apply for voluntary return, you will most likely be returned forcefully by the Norwegian police. In this case, you will not receive any assistance.

For more information, contact IOM (www.iom.no, phone: 23 10 53 20) or the Norwegian Refugee Council (www.nrc.no/incor, phone: 800 41 042, 800 41 855).

Assistance from NOAS

If you would be in danger upon return to Afghanistan, or if there are reasons why you would be in a particularly vulnerable humanitarian situation, you are free to contact NOAS and ask us to look into your case (if we have not done so before). Please send us a copy of all the documents in your asylum case. Make sure to include information about how we can contact you.

We point out that we always have to consider the individual circumstances of each case, and whether there is a real chance of convincing Utlendingsnemnda to change their decision. Also, our capacity is limited, and we are not able to assist everyone. Because of our limited capacity, and although we prioritise Afghan cases, it might also take some time before we are able to look into each case.